Pentecost II
2016-05-16, post № 124
art, #anim, #anim gif, #animated, #animated gif, #church, #gif, #pixel, #pixel guy
Celebrating Pentecost.
2016-05-16, post № 124
art, #anim, #anim gif, #animated, #animated gif, #church, #gif, #pixel, #pixel guy
Celebrating Pentecost.
2016-05-14, post № 123
BASIC, games, programming, TI-84 Plus, #four in a row, #four wins, #graphing calculators, #GTR, #Texas Instruments, #TI
Using the programming features given on Texas Instruments’ graphing calculator TI-84 Plus, I created this text-base connect four game.
The code is written in BASIC and can be seen below.
To transfer code to and from the graphing calculator, I used Texas Instruments’ TI Connect™ CE Software [1].
to 7
put your piece accordingly,2016-05-07, post № 122
art, #animated, #animated gif, #animation, #color, #colored world, #colorful, #coloring, #gif, #guy, #pixel, #pixel guy
The little pixel guy comes across a grey world and starts coloring it.
2016-04-30, post № 121
mathematics, programming, Pygame, Python, #animated fractal, #flake, #fractal, #fractal generating, #fractal gif, #generate
In my collection of programs generating fractals this famous one cannot miss.
The Koch snowflake is generated by starting with an equilateral triangle. Every side of the triangle then gets cut into three equal pieces and the center one gets replaced with yet another equilateral triangle.
To get the perfect fractal, you would need to repeat this process infinitely many times.
More information on the snowflake can be found in this Wikipedia entry.
2016-04-27, post № 120
art, #digital, #digital photo, #flower, #image, #photo, #photography, #photography day, #pinhole day, #red, #red tulip, #tulip, #worldwide pinhole day, #yellow
Last sunday I posted an animated gif to celebrate the Worldwide Pinhole Day. On that day I also took pinhole photographs. My favourite, ‘Red Tulip’ can also be found on the official Worldwide Pinhole Day’s website.
Other photographs I took include white flowers, the same tulip in another light and a yellow flower.
2016-04-24, post № 119
art, #animated, #animated gif, #camera, #gif, #pinhole camera, #WWPD
Today it is worldwide pinhole day. Build a camera and take a photo!
2016-04-23, post № 118
programming, Python, #chat, #j-chat, #LAN, #LAN chat, #socket, #sockets
Playing around with python’s sockets, I created this shell-based chat. It works via LAN and lets you communicate through text messages.
Type $help
for a help menu.
2016-04-16, post № 117
games, programming, Pygame, Python, #apple, #piece, #tile, #tile game, #tile sliding, #tiles
This is my version of a sliding puzzle.
A sliding puzzle is based on a number of tiles (15 in this case) which are scrambled.
The objective of the game then is to slide the tiles around and get back to the original image.
As an image I took a photo of an apple in front of a black background.For more information on sliding puzzles, check this Wikipedia entry.