Conceding to complexity, an everpresent force.
A collection of theses, provocativeness as a wellspring for thought.
Autumn thoughts. In Fall I may again fall into a rut.
Giddily Gitting it wrong⸺Git database exploration.
Liquescent Lolly, a nightly lilac capture.
It’s the clients that betray you. Even those not designed as trojans.
“Surely you jest,” the barman shouted.
not oK, o’ st!
E-mails held hostage for way too long.
Electron decays at its roots. And infections are known to spread.
Bits: the mute conquerers of thought. In silence there is might.
Thoughts on software packages and introducing fleetingly.
Who are you, object of inanimate? Is there an end you toil for?
Decoupled fizzbuzz where the integer sequence does not define periodicity.
Nine marching rectangles march along a contour.
Seven years, episodically cast in bits.
Tchoukaillon hooks; lazily evaluated.
Vanishing members: only instantiation reveals their whereabouts.
Winter MMXXI: a calculating tree.
Finite Life’s long trajectories: playing a finite version of Conway’s Game of Life for a long time.
Halloween MMXXI: Uncanny Woods — or possibly “un-can-y woulds”?
Hoisting HTTP headers home shines a light onto commonly sent initial HTTP lines.
Compiling to native brainfuck; a project three years in the making.
Plant fibre puppet: for persons feeling perilous.
Factoids #3; topological findings.
Wholly brainfuck, at least a part of it.
Intriguingly Matured Graphics generated by less well aged scripts.
Cellular circuit simulation: a grid world of binary states and gates.
Factoids #2; an assortment of bijective maps.
A Month of Pining; one of hopefully copious more to come.
Halloween MMXX: a colorful poem illustration.
Crashing GCC with 63 Bytes, not counting a potential trailing 0x0a.
Book review: A Tour of C++: Stroustrup’s 240 page C++ adaptor for those already familiar with the fundamentals of imperative programming.
jblog has moved. To a fruitful next five and a half years.
Moth; an ASCII-illustrated haiku.
Measly Mazes: meander machine-made masonry.
Lichen, Extraterrestrials, Diodes #2. The bulb’s not lit, as sadness hit.
Java’s Terseness — an oxymoron.
Colorful Time Prompt in zsh adds some temporal bling to a zsh command prompt.
Zpr’(h: a symbolic, directionally super-lazy esoteric programming language.
Complete Contact Configurations computes correctly crafted cities.
Non-Uniform Shuffling explores a subtly incorrect shuffling implementation.
Factoids #1 shows off three more factoids I discovered.
Extending A056154 is about my discovery of A𝟢𝟧𝟨𝟣𝟧𝟦(𝟣𝟥) = 𝟦𝟫 𝟢𝟫𝟦 𝟣𝟩𝟦.
A325902 presents an OEIS sequence of mine.
Digit Sums proves one of Jack Reacher’s statements.
Short brainfuck Primes computes all primes representable as a short in brainfuck.
Mandelbrot set sketch in Scratch sketches the Mandelbrot set in Scratch.
Factoids #0 shows off three mathematical factoids, two rigorously proved.
Mostly Misaligned Mirrors attempts to visualize and simulate a stochastic problem.
krrp. My first ever language.
Sudoku Generation uses lazy evaluation to generate sudoku puzzles of varying sizes.
Pi Day MMXIX, a π-inspired iteration quine.
Lichen, Extraterrestrials, Diodes #1: an amber light-emitting diode gazing at the moss.
Kickboy #0. Kicking the ball.
Foam Cube Puzzle, solved using brute-force.
Winter MMXVIII — a tree-shaped quine.
Symbolic Closed-Form Fibonacci: calculating a well-known sequence in an inefficient manner.
Prime Intirety — all of them!
Halloween MMXVIII: spookily celebrating with a haiku.
Conky Clock implements an ASCII-art clock.
Snippet #2; low memory usage, low usability.
Interpreting brainfuck in C — an interpretation in C.
Heapsort — an implementation in C.
Snippet #1 extends classical mutlidimensional calculus notation.
Tau Day MMXVIII celebrates the truly superior constant.
Truth is a command-line truth table creator.
Worldwide Pinhole Day MMXVIII; showing this year’s pinhole photographs.
Snippet #0 — a syntactically fascinating JavaScript snippet.
Lichen, Extraterrestrials, Diodes #0, the zeroth entry in my image series LED.
Third Anniversary celebrates this blog’s third year in existence.
Pi Day MMXVII, calculating pi using an improper integral.
Sorting in C, five sorting algorithms implemented in the C language.
Lyapunov Fractal — visualizing population growth leads to fractal images.
Christmas MMXVII, a fractal-haiku combination celebrating Christmas.
Python Matrix Module; matrix arithmetic and Gaussian elimination in Python 2.
Animating the Quantum Drunkard’s Walk, a cellular automaton linked to random walks.
Fire Photographies— crumbled paper at night.
Generic C / Python Polyglot showcases a polyglot template for said languages.
Halloween MMXVII, a spooky sonnet.
BMP Implementation in C defines functions for image and .bmp file manipulation.
TImg lets you view your images on your graphing calculator.
Rainbowify; a colorful image filter.
Arithmetic Golfing showcases the journey to small formulas (counted in bytes).
brainfuck X, a brainfuck dialect capable of drawing color images.
Cyclic Quine ↦ Qyclic Cuine.
Mandelbrot Set III showcases a Java application enabling the user to explore the fractal.
Asciify turns ordinary pixel images into ASCII text.
Tau Day MMXVII celebrates this year’s tau day.
Mandelbrot Set ASCII Viewer uses vanilla Python 2.7 to display this marvelous fractal.
A285494 talks about a series I contributed to the OEIS.
JSweeper clones the world-famous game of Minesweeper.
Pinhole Photographs MMXVII, my pinhole depiction of nature.
Multibrot Set generates fractal animations in Java.
Easter MMXVII celebrates easter with an asciified egg and a haiku.
T-3PO — Tic-Tac-Toe Played Optimally tries to take over the world by solving noughts and crosses.
Second Anniversary casts a retrospective glance at two years of J-Blog.
Bifurcation Diagram illustrates a simple function which evolves into a chaotic fractal.
Pi Day MMXVII celebrates this year’s Pi Day!
A278328 showcases my first contribution to OEIS, palindromic differential squares.
Maze Solving solves — amazingly — amazing mazes.
4096 clones the world-famous game “2048”.
Slitherlink Solver is a program which solves a given Slitherlink puzzle.
Double-Slit Experiment presents an animation on this famous physics experiment.
Mandelbrot Set II shows off my newest Mandelbrot set viewer, written in Java.
New Year celebrates the start of 2017 with a haiku.
Christmas celebrates Jesus’ birthday in a haiku-Python way.
Advent IV, the fourth Advent haiku.
Orange tells the tale of the orange that tumbled to the ’ove.
Advent III, the third Advent haiku.
Advent II, the second Advent haiku.
Mandelbrot set miscalculations shows what the position of two lines can do.
MMXVI showcases the calculation for each day in December from the year’s digits.
Advent I, the first Advent haiku.
Praiku calculates primes the haiku way.
brainfuck showcases this beautiful language and a Python interpreter I made.
Halloween MMXVI tells the story of one person’s tragic end.
99 Bottles of Beer prints lyrics codegolf style.
Menger Sponge II renders the fractal in its full three-dimensional glory.
Microcounter is my “Hello World” in micro computing.
J-Trix imitates the famous Matrix hacker animation.
Collatz Conjecture visualizes the 𝟥𝑛 + 𝟣 problem.
Curses Cam combines Pygame’s camera support with curses to create shell images.
Jetris CE is my second, shell-based Tetris clone.
Web Sudoku Solver solves a given Web Sudoku!
Sudoku Solver solves a given Sudoku!
JClock VIII uses complex numbers to display time.
Weekday determines a given date’s weekday.
Triangular Squares generates triangle numbers whose square root is an integer.
RGB Jallenge challenges your rgb knowledge.
Palindrome Function calculates a number’s palindrome in a convoluted way.
Jimon recreates the famous memory game.
Numerals converts numbers into their word form.
Leaf is a haiku-gif combination about a leaf.
Cycloids shows off these beautiful mathematical curves.
Sierpiński TIrangle brings this famous triangle to the TI graphing calculator.
TI-99/4A Primes teaches an old computer to calculate primes.
Pentecost II is my gif regarding Pentecost 2016.
Connect Four shows off my first published TI-84 Plus BASIC program.
Colors is a gif about color.
Koch Snowflake generates the famous infinite fractal.
Pinhole Photograph shows off a photograph I took on this year’s Pinhole Day.
Worldwide Pinhole Day II celebrates this year’s Pinhole Day!
Jhat lets you chat on a LAN connection.
Sliding Puzzle ports the board game to pygame.
Factorization shows off a simple factorization code I wrote.
Jappy Jird clones the well-known mobile game Flappy Bird.
Prime-Generating Formula shows a neat formula I came up with.
First Anniversary, J-Blog is 1 year old… Can you believe it?
Happy Easter II wishes you a happy easter in 2016.
Pascal’s Triangle is my approach at visualizing his triangle.
Palindromic Primes generates prime numbers which are palindromes.
RGB Color Cube simulates a journey through a cube filled with color.
Surfing shows the little pixel guy hitting the waves.
Look-and-Say Sequence generates Conway’s fascinating sequence.
Haferman Carpet shows off an interesting mathematical fractal.
J-Filters VI spirals a digital image into the center, distorting it.
Conway’s Game of Life simulates a well-known cellular automaton.
J-Filters V tries to find edges in digital images.
Colored Rectangles draws colored rectangles onto the screen.
Moving Fonts uses pygame’s font module to display various fonts.
The Hundredth Post is my 100th post!
J-Filters IV manipulates a digital image with a spin.
Rotating Squares colors in some squares and spins them around.
White Fireworks — again — wishes you a wonderful 2016.
Happy New Year wishes you a wonderful 2016.
Prime Circle visualizes primes using circles.
Spinning Shapes uses lines to draw intricate shapes.
Merry Christmas is my animated gif regarding Christmas.
Fourth Sunday in Advent illustrates the fourth candle’s lighting.
𝜋 Approximation uses an equation from Euler to approximate 𝜋.
Third Sunday in Advent illustrates the third candle’s lighting.
Mandelbrot Set zooms deeply into this beautiful fractal.
Second Sunday in Advent illustrates the second candle’s lighting.
c’t Racetrack II is my second attempt at solving the racing problem.
First Sunday in Advent illustrates the first candle’s lighting.
Sleeper is not the most active program I have ever written.
Bubbles shows colorful bubbles.
Text Spinner takes your text input and spins it.
Sailing shows our little pixel hero travelling across the sea.
JClock VII uses primes and prime factorization to display time.
JClock VI simulates the basic clock face.
Prime Remainders visualizes the remainders of primes.
Langton’s Ant simulates said ant.
Halloween is my gif regarding this specially spooky date.
Spiral simulates a spinning disk emitting particles.
𝑒 Generator approximates Euler’s constant.
c’t-Racetrack is my attempt at a problem proposed by c’t.
Flare calculates with vectors to create glowing effects.
Gradient Triangles draws triangular gradients using vectors.
JDrawer is alternative drawing tool.
Sand lets you throw sand around your screen.
J-Filters III is another filter for digital images.
Pygame Bug demonstrates a bug in a Pygame function I found.
Pastel uses random numbers to create beauty.
JClock V lets time pass by in yet another way.
Text Scrambler shows an interesting behavior of our brain regarding reading.
J-Filters II uses software to enhance digital images.
Primes II combines primes with 𝜋.
Space Adventures illustrates the beauty of pixel-space.
J-Filters shows three digital image filters I made.
R-Lines may be the most inefficient way to fill the screen with pure white.
Trippy draws flashy colored circles on a black background.
Stacking Stones is a collection of a few stone stacks I made.
Random Resource Locator searches the web for random resources.
Jasteroids is my attempt at recreating Asteroids in Python.
Jonnect Jour brings the famous board game Connect Four to Python.
Caesar Cipher encrypts your secret messages in the roman way.
JClock IV uses pygame’s arc function to display time in a different way.
Pattern creates interesting patterns using colorful entities.
Jeakout is a simple Breakout clone I made.
Bobble Throw lets you throw little, light-blue bobbles around the screen.
Menger Sponge creates said sponge.
Prime Spiral II shows the prime spiral in a rounder version.
Sierpiński triangle creates said triangle using randomness.
Jic-Jac-Joe lets you play Tic-tac-toe on your computer. Dumb computer included.
JClock III takes the 7-segment clock and gives it a different spin.
Gradient Drawer combines arithmetic with mouse movement to create fancy pictures.
Circle Mover contains entities which randomly move across the screen while drawing a line behind them.
Primes shows the prime numbers in yet another way.
Bubbletree renders differently sized, gray circles going across the screen.
FS Letters II shows the filesystem in a different way (improved code).
Jake is a Snake clone.
Dig is a gif about a little pixel guy trying to reach earth’s core.
Jong is a Pong clone. Computer play included.
Jetris is a Tetris clone I basically made in 24 hours.
Grow is a gif showing a plant’s life.
Boxes neatly creates colored rectangles.
Prime Spiral writes out prime numbers in a spiral.
Pentecost is a gif regarding Pentecost.
JClock II tries a new approach at our normal clock.
Colors VI is the next version of Colors. It also creates gradients.
Graph sim is a random graphing program. Also includes useless calculations.
Shadow simulates the shadow one light source makes when illuminating polygons.
Shaper has a number of points which randomly move and uses them to create shapes.
The Firefox Unicorn shows an easter egg I found in Firefox.
Circle splatter uses — once again — vector mathematic to allow for an interesting interaction with a circle.
Rain simulates a rainy day.
Star draws moving stars.
Worldwide Pinhole Day is a gif regarding said event.
Bouncing simulates a ball falling to the ground, recoiling in the air and falling again.
Circle crawler uses vector mathematic to create interesting shapes.
Plant mimic tries to mimic the behavior of a growing root.
FS letters shows the filesystem in a new way.
Rand pix has a queue of pixels moving across the screen, changing color.
Hangman lets you play a round of Hangman.
𝜑 generator generates the golden ratio.
Bobbles uses a function seen in Colors, but illustrates it using round entities.
Colors V — reupload is just a reupload of my previous pictures regarding Colors.
Colors V — other results II shows a picture containing pure randomness.
Happy easter is a little gif I made to celebrate easter.
Colors V — other results shows different functions with different results.
Colors V draws mathematically constructed gradients.
Circle walk II has little circles going around the center.
Clean up your mac is a small command you should never (!) execute.
Polygons draws shapes from the triangle up to the 255-gon.
Moving has light-blue rectangles, which bounce off each other.
Circle Walk simulates different circles going around the center and influencing each other.
Rectangles draws colored rectangles coming from one of the four corners of the screen.
𝜋 Generator generates the well-known mathematical constant 𝜋.
Hello World was my first post. A good way to start.
Jonathan Frech's blog; built 2024/08/31 22:59:44 CEST