2015-12-24, post № 93
art, #animated gif, #candles, #Christmas, #Christmas gif, #Christmas tree, #gif, #happy, #happy Christmas, #merry, #merry Christmas, #pixel, #pixel art, #pixel Christmas, #pixel gif, #pixel guy, #tree, #x-mas, #xmas, #xmas gif
Little pixel guy wishes you a Merry Christmas.
2015-12-20, post № 92
art, #Advent, #animated, #animated gif, #candle, #fourth, #fourth candle, #fourth Sunday in Advent, #fourth Sunday of Advent, #gif, #pixel guy, #Sunday
Lighting the fourth candle…
2015-12-19, post № 91
mathematics, programming, Python, #approximating, #approximation, #circle, #circle constant, #constant, #Euler, #infinite, #infinite sum, #pi, #sum
Using an infinite series shown by Euler, 𝜋 can be approximated.
The series goes as follows:
By rearranging the equation, you get the following:
2015-12-13, post № 90
art, #Advent, #animated, #animated gif, #animation, #gif, #pixel candle, #pixel guy, #third, #third candle, #third Sunday, #third Sunday in Advent, #third Sunday of Advent
Lighting the third candle…
2015-12-12, post № 89
mathematics, programming, Pygame, Python, #colorful, #complex, #fractal, #f_c(z) = z^2 + c, #imaginary, #iterating, #iteration, #Mandelbrot, #repeating, #self-repeathing, #set
Working with complex numbers and iterating the function , I created this program which lets you explore the depth of this self-repeating fractal. The different colors are caused by different color schemes.
- Left mouse click and mouse movements control the zoom frame,
- Middle mouse click zooms in,
- ‘Space’ takes a screenshot,
- ‘F1’ moves a zoom back,
- ‘F2’ zooms to default zoom.
2015-12-06, post № 88
art, #Advent, #animated, #animated gif, #animation, #candle, #gif, #pixel candle, #pixel guy, #second, #second Advent, #second candle, #second Sunday, #second Sunday in Advent, #second Sunday of Advent, #Sunday
Lighting the second candle…
2015-12-05, post № 87
games, programming, Pygame, Python, #advanced, #c't, #c't-Racetrack, #car, #car race, #race, #racetrack, #vertrac't
Since the 30th of November 2015 the contest is over. The code is now visible in my post c’t-Racetrack. In this time I improved my program and added a semi-working collision detection (unfortunately it does not cover every case), a helper function (will not allow you to make an invalid move) and an additional view mode (lets you only see the car’s path).
- Mouse movement changes the new acceleration vector applied in the next step,
- Left click moves one step,
- Right click is a undo for the latest move,
- Middle click moves the frame,
- ‘F1’ toggles view mode,
- ‘F2’ takes a screenshot,
- ‘F3’ exports current moves,
- ‘F4’ resets the game,
- ‘h’ toggles helper.
2015-11-29, post № 86
art, #Advent, #animated, #animated gif, #candle, #first, #first Advent, #first candle, #first of Advent, #first Sunday, #first Sunday in Advent, #first Sunday of Advent, #gif, #pixel, #pixel candle, #pixel guy, #Sunday
Lighting the first candle…
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