2015-10-31, post № 77
art, #animated, #animated gif, #animation, #gif, #Halloween, #pixel, #pumpkin, #scary, #spooky
This gif is dedicated to the year’s scariest date, Halloween.
2015-10-31, post № 77
art, #animated, #animated gif, #animation, #gif, #Halloween, #pixel, #pumpkin, #scary, #spooky
This gif is dedicated to the year’s scariest date, Halloween.
2015-10-25, post № 76
programming, Pygame, Python, #around the center, #black, #black hole, #emission, #galaxy, #particles, #red, #Slow Mo Guys, #slow motion, #spin, #spinning
Inspired by a recent Slow Mo Guys video, I wrote a simulation for the shown effect. I think it looks pretty neat…
2015-10-24, post № 75
mathematics, programming, Python, #(1+1/n)^n, #approx., #approximation, #constant, #e, #Euler
By using the formula for a big number 𝑛, you can approximate the mathematical constant 𝑒.
2015-10-18, post № 74
games, programming, Pygame, Python, #acceleration, #c't, #car, #mouse, #mouse controlled, #position, #race, #ractrack, #track, #vector, #velocity, #vertrac't
In a recent c’t article [1] they showed a game regarding vector mathematics, velocities, accelerations and positions.
I could not resist and wrote this program to simulate the game.
The only thing this program cannot do is to check the barriers. That you have to check for yourself.
You have a start position (red), an end position (green) and some barriers (white).
Your job is it to steer your little dot (bright yellow) onto the end position.
To make it more difficult, you are not allowed to change the dot’s position directly, but rather you accelerate it on each step.
Your acceleration vector (turquoise) also is not allowed to be longer than 𝟣𝟢 (dim yellow bubble) and at the end point your dot must have a velocity of (𝟢, 𝟢).
The fewer moves you need, the better your steering abilities.
file,2015-10-17, post № 73
programming, Pygame, Python, #black, #glow, #mouse, #mouse controlled, #pixels, #red, #specs, #spread, #vector, #vector maths
Tinkering around with vectors, I created this fancy program. By left-clicking you spawn a white circle at your current mouse position. This circle then will emit a specific quantity of red pixels (which is 𝑐 = 𝟤 𝜋 𝑟 with 𝑟 = 𝟧𝟢). Those red pixels then get pushed across the screen until they eventually die out.
2015-10-11, post № 72
programming, Pygame, Python, #3-gon, #background, #gradient, #triangles, #vector, #vector mathematics, #vectors, #wallpaper
This program uses vector mathematics and colors to create triangular gradient. By simply left-clicking you create three points which then will be filled in with color.
2015-10-10, post № 71
programming, Pygame, Python, #alternative, #art, #color, #colors, #draw, #drawing program
In an attempt to make drawing using a computer mouse easier, I created JDrawer. By pressing the left mouse button, you start or stop drawing. By simply moving your cursor the program then draws accordingly. The line’s colors are picked at random.
2015-10-04, post № 70
programming, Pygame, Python, #art, #background, #bridges, #falling, #grain, #grains, #sand, #shades
This program lets you watch grains of sand fall. The grains shift in color, according to the color algorithm assigned. You also can build bridges to change the sand’s falling behavior.