

2015-06-07, post № 36

games, programming, Pygame, Python, #another Tetris clone, #arcade, #brick, #bricks, #colored bricks, #computer game, #game, #game clone, #games, #j's Tetris, #j-Tetris, #placing bricks, #Pygame Tetris, #Quadrapassel, #Tetris, #Tetris clone

Being generally very interested in games I recently stumbled across a Tetris clone, Quadrapassel. It really cought my attention and after playing for a long time I decided to program a Tetris clone myself.
There may still be a few inconsistencies but all in all I think it works very well.
Your game score will be shown in the window’s caption along with the info if the game is over yet.
To see further details about Tetris, visit this Wikipedia entry.



  • Left arrow key to move the brick to the left,
  • Right arrow key to move brick to the right,
  • Up arrow key to rotate the brick (clockwise),
  • Down arrow to increase the brick’s fall speed,
  • Space to bring the brick to the far bottom,
  • Escape to pause and unpause the game,
  • Tab to toggle if a fake brick is shown where the brick will land,
  • Right shift to toggle brick looks,
  • Backspace to start a new game.
Source code: jetris.py
Jonathan Frech's blog; built 2024/12/19 23:13:08 CET