2015-08-16, post № 56
games, programming, Pygame, Python, #asteroid, #asteroids, #black, #black and white, #comet, #missle, #random rocks, #rock, #rocket, #rocks, #space, #space craft, #space game, #space ship, #white
This game is my interpretation of the all-time classic arcade game Asteroids. Although it plays a little differently, it has all the components of the original game. The rocks are stationary, but — if destroyed — split into two smaller pieces. You can either destroy the rocks via missles or by just flying right into them.
- Left arrow key tilts the space craft to the left,
- Right arrow key tilts the space craft to the right,
- Up arrow key propels the space craft,
- ‘Space’ launches a missle.
Source code: jasteroids.py
Extra assets: jasteroids-2.png