Extending A056154
2019-11-02, post № 221
mathematics, #discovery, #OEIS, #paper, #ternary
Five weeks of work including over six days of dedicated number crunching come to fruition as the thirteenth member of OEIS sequence A056154 is published,
Sequence A056154 is defined as binary exponents which have a ternary representation invariant under endomorphic addition modulo permutation, more formally
Due to the exponentially defined property, testing a given for membership quickly becomes non-trivial, as the trits of
enter the billions.
As an example, requires 30’974’976 trits. Assuming three thousand trits per page and two hundred pages per book, a ternary print-out of said number would require fifty-two books, filling a few book shelves.
For a discussion of the methodology I used to perform the search which lead to the discovery of , I refer to my paper Extending A056154.