BMP Implementation in C — Graphic Primitives
2018-03-24, post № 193
C, programming, #2017, #bitmap, #bmp, #drawing, #image library, #image manipulation, #library
Continuing development of my C bitmap library, I added basic graphic primitives to augment the library’s functionality beyond simply reading and writing bitmaps and manually manipulating individual pixels. Source code can be seen below and also downloaded — bmp.c.
The underlying implementation of the bitmap file format can be seen in my prior post BMP Implementation in C. Graphic primitives include drawing lines, rectangles, circles, ellipses; rotating, flipping, cropping, resizing and blitting images. A full list of defined graphic primitives can be seen below, together with a short functionality description.
/* === DRAWING PRIMITIVES === */ void hline (image *img, int x0, int x1, int y , int c ); // draw horizontal line void vline (image *img, int x , int y0, int y1, int c ); // draw vertical line void line (image *img, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int c ); // draw line void fillrect (image *img, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int c ); // draw filled rectangle void rect (image *img, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int c ); // draw rectangle void fillcircle (image *img, int x , int y , int r , int c ); // draw filled circle void circle (image *img, int x , int y , int r , int t , int c ); // draw circle (with certain thickness) void fillellipse(image *img, int x , int y , int rx, int ry, int c ); // draw filled ellipse void ellipse (image *img, int x , int y , int rx, int ry, int t, int c); // draw ellipse (with certain thickness) /* === TRANSFORMATION PRIMITIVES === */ image *resize (image *img, int w , int h ); // resize an image image *hflip (image *img ); // flip horizontally image *vflip (image *img ); // flip vertically image *rrotate (image *img ); // rotate clockwise image *lrotate (image *img ); // rotate counter-clockwise image *hrotate (image *img ); // rotate half a revolution image *crop (image *img, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 ); // crop an image void blit (image *img, image*, int x , int y ); // blit an image onto another one
Future plans for this library include performance optimizations regarding the ellipse drawing primitives; circle drawing is already optimized as it uses the shape’s symmetry to save computational cost.Further primitives that may be added include a flood filling functionality as well as the ability to draw irregular polygons.