Rand pix
2015-04-11, post № 17
programming, Pygame, Python, #background, #beautiful, #black, #change, #changing, #colro, #color change, #colors, #different colors, #fancy, #generates, #gradient, #movement, #moving, #random, #randomly, #snake, #snakes, #walk, #walking, #wallpaper
This program generates a snake of pixels which is randomly moving across the screen. If it leaves the screen, it (as in snakes) gets out the other side. It is also restricted to a length of 𝟣𝟢𝟢𝟢 pixels. As in ‘Colors V’ there are other ways the snake can look, based on the code used (I may post another color variant in the future).
Source code: rand-pix.py
Extra assets: rand-pix-1.png, rand-pix-4.png