RGB Jallenge
2016-07-09, post № 132
games, programming, Pygame, Python, #blue, #color, #colors, #colour, #colours, #green, #guess, #guessing, #red
This is a clone of The Great RGB Guessing Challenge [1]. The challenge works like this: You are presented three numbers ranging from 𝟢 to 𝟤𝟧𝟧 representing a rgb color and three color bubbles. To get a point you must choose the color bubble corresponding to the rgb values. The more points you get, the higher your score.
- Click on the bubble to choose it.
Source code: rgb-jallenge.py
Extra assets: rgb-jallenge-0.png, rgb-jallenge-1.png, rgb-jallenge-2.png, rgb-jallenge-3.png, rgb-jallenge-4.png, rgb-jallenge-5.png, rgb-jallenge-6.png, rgb-jallenge_colors-fixed.py
- ▲ [2020-07-19] It appears that this site is unfortunately no longer online.